March 26, 2010

The Boxcar Child

This past weekend, we bought a gun safe (something Trav has been drooling over for years) and it came in this huge cardboard box that was just asking to be made into something exciting for Petey.



In the end, Trav settled on a train - and made our little man the happiest fella around. He decorated it with chalk to look like Thomas and stuck a little chair inside so Petey could have something to sit on. Underneath is one of those roller boards you lie on to change the oil - adding instant wheels to our little FHE project. Petey still wants to play with it every chance he gets. I just don't know who had more fun with the entire project: Trav or Petey...


The Martinsen Family said...

You guys are too cute. Wish we were there. Love ya guys

Katie said...

That is so funny. I used to LOVE huge boxes. They make the best forts.

The Tregeagles said...

How fun! The box is always much more fun than what came in it.

p.s Are we stockpiling guns for the revolution?

David Lee said...

Peter is enjoying it, but Travis's laugh says he obviously was delighted with himself and his creation! Go daddy.