March 22, 2010

Hiking in Malibu

This weekend we went hiking near Malibu with some of Trav's co-workers. They seem to know all the best places to go and this was no exception. It was a beautiful 3 mile hike that would have resulted in some lovely views of the ocean if not for the mountains of fog that rolled in over the coast. Petey was actually a pretty good little hiker- he enjoyed trying to catch lizards and picking all the wildflowers.
I love this photo of us. Don't be surprised if this picture shows up on your annual Millet Family Christmas card.

Afterwards, we went to this cozy Mexican restaurant in Malibu where we saw more trendy people in one place than I've ever come across before. We felt a little out of place being all sweaty and in our hiking gear - but the food was yummy!

And of course, we couldn't make a trip down to LA without making a stop at the beach. It was quite foggy on the shore and the waves crashing scared Petey a bit, but we had fun playing in the sand and wandering around in the surf. I'm already planning a trip back for when the weather gets a little warmer.


David Lee said...

THAT is my new photo for the family gallery! Expect to see your cute selves when you visit.

Katie said...

That looks like so much fun! Oh but where did all that beard come from? March again... when will they learn? You guys are so cute.

Angela said...

Okay, this made me so excited to come down and see you! And it looks like Trav is happily done with those silly BYU grooming standards.