March 16, 2010

Would you look at that?

Several years ago my parents gave us an antique dining room set which came with 4 rush bottom (woven) chairs. Over the years, the weave has started to sag and even break and I've cursed my inability to clean them well numerous times. Last week I had an epiphany of sorts. I always figured if I wanted to re-cover the chairs, I'd have to take them to a pro to be re-woven.


I finally realized I could do it myself - with a little help from my resident engineer, of course. So off to the hardware and fabric stores I went. And last night for FHE, Trav and I recovered them - I'm quite pleased with the results.
Here's a chair with the woven part ripped off and the new bottom cut specially by Trav. To make them softy, we just cut out several pieces of foam from a mattress we've been using for camping and then stapled the fabric over top. Easy-peasy, lemon-squeezy.
And the finished product. Can you believe something I have been waiting years to do only cost about $20 and an hours worth of time? Love the DIY.
 I love my chairs now. They are purty and comfy.


*Jess* said...

I'm so impressed! Way to go!

Ashley B. said...

Would you look at you guys!!!! Whoooo!!

Ashley B. said...

Would you look at you guys!!!! Whoooo!!

David Lee said...

Looks GREAT! Can't wait to come sit on them -

Anonymous said...

Wow-I'm super impressed! You guys are pretty talented, raising chickens and changing chair seats and growing facial hair! It all looks like way too much fun, I'm feeling very vanilla in comparison. :)

Cherie said...

Good job! They look great!