May 4, 2011

Picnic with Friends

Yesterday it was such a beautiful day, Peter and I decided to have a picnic snack time in the backyard. What I didn't realize was that Peter had also invited several guests to the party already. All four of these animals sleep with Peter every night and he was very particular about having them share his popcorn.

Their names are: Peanut (the blue dog), Edwin "Poop" Millet (sock monkey), Snuffy (the mammoth) and Frappuccino (the brown & white dog).
At one point I asked: "Peter, are you having fun with all your babies?"

And his instant reply: "No Mama! They are not babies. They are mine animals. Say it Mommy! Say it!"

And would not be satisfied until I said: "Sorry, Peter. I meant your 'animals' not 'babies'."

I guess I was thinking too much like a girl who remembers having tea parties with her baby dolls.

Here is Pete introducing his friends:

1 comment:

Lisa Lee said...

What a fun day for a creative little man. ! But sock monkeys rank with a Jack in the Box for creep factor. It's why you never had one!