May 9, 2011

Millet Boy - New 2011 Model Revealed

Benjamin Golden Millet
May 7, 2011 - 1:39 am
6lbs 2oz

And for those of you who like a little story with your pictures...

This was Michelle Friday morning.
Miserable and 40 weeks pregnant exactly.
Even though I hadn't gone into labor yet, my kind doctor had pity on me and had told me earlier in the week to plan on heading to the hospital Friday night as long as I was already having contractions. 
Oh, you mean those things I've been having since I was 5 months along? Got 'em.

So after a family dinner and a nice walk to get me really going, Trav and I headed off to the hospital. 
Me: determined to have a baby, Trav: pretty sure we'd be sent home.
Luckily, they weren't really busy and after spending some time in triage, my doctor had them admit me and we headed to a room to get started on pitocin around 9:30pm. Since Peter had also been an induction, we were pretty certain it would take some time to get things going and that we wouldn't be having the baby anytime before 5 or 6am. Not so much this time.

After hanging out for a while, my water broke around midnight and all the sudden my contractions were coming 1-2 minutes apart and I was quickly begging for an epidural. Cause I tell you those bad boys hurt. After the epidural I was only at 5cm, but things were going really fast and within 30 minutes I had gone to 10cm and they had me start pushing. 
Needless to say, the epidural didn't really have all that much time to take effect properly.
After some very, very difficult pushing (I am a wuss), I was basically ready to beg for a break when the doctor looked at me and said "We need to have this baby now!" That pronouncement was sufficiently dire for me to put a little more effort into things and within a few more minutes out came Mr. Benjamin at 1:39am.
 Turns out the cord was wrapped around his neck which had been causing his heart-rate to drop during each contraction.
So it took basically one hour and 30 minutes from my water breaking to delivery. I find that pretty dang speedy.

Benjamin was tiny, but perfect and needless to say Travis and I were in love.

I bet after seeing these pictures you will be too.
If you remember, Travis marked Peter with a pi symbol at birth to make sure we came home with the right little man. We didn't want Benji to feel left out, so he made sure to get a beta symbol on right away.

Michelle and Benji after delivery. Can we say sleep deprived?

My two boys.

Daddy and the little man

Peter is the best big brother. I don't think he was too thrilled about the fact that Benjamin was a baby instead of a big friend to play with but he's quickly learned how to love him.


Holly said...

CONGRATULATIONS! He's so adorable! And such a fast entrance - I hope that was okay with you. I am envious.

Pushing was such hard work for me - I remember I kept saying in between contractions "I'm SO tired," lol.

So happy for you and your little family! Benjamin's birthday is a day before Rowen's. :D

Can't wait to catch up when you're a little more settled in.

The Tregeagles said...

Congratulation's you guys! So happy for you all. Peter no doubt will be an amazing big bro. Take good care of yourselves. Don't hesitate to call us if you come in to Salt Lake, we'd love to visit with you. Love you guys.

The Morgans said...


*Jess* said...

he is beautiful!!! :) Congratulations!

Angela said...

Congrats Michelle! He's beautiful. You did a great job! Can't wait to meet him. :)

gardeniagirl said...

Aw! Congrats!

Kristin Hanson said...

Congrats! He looks like such a sweetheart!

Austin said...

Hooray!!! I love Peter's perspective on life.

Travis - I guess your limit is 24 children. Otherwise, you will run out of letters.

joolee said...

Congrats, Michelle! What a handsome, darling boy! And a 6-pounder?? You lucky duck...I'd love that! :) Hope Benji's treating you well and you're getting some rest!

Michelle D said...

How clever and witty you are Michelle! What a darling little name for #2. And I love Trav's Beta!! Congrats. What fun to have a newborn. I am so excited for you guys!!!

Cherie said...

ROCK ON! Keith is going to love the name, I'll have to show him the blog. Doesn't Peter look huge now to you? :) Congrats to both of you, but mostly you for pushing that little one out! Thank goodness he was little, right? :)

Katie said...

Yay! He is so stinkin cute. Good job guys.

Angiegirl said...

Wonderful, wonderful news! Congratulations and I'm so glad you're on the other side of it now. He's beautiful. I'm currently praying for a speedy delivery like yours. :)

Brittany McClure said...

Congratulations again Michelle!! You sure do make cute babies :) Let us know if you need anything at all.

Chachic said...

Congratulations, Michelle! He's an adorable baby. :)