May 15, 2011

The First Week

We've officially been home with Benjamin for over a week now and things are going great. I really don't want to jinx us, but Benji has been a great little baby so far. Mostly he just eats and sleeps. And poops. Sometimes I even have a hard time waking him up for the eating part, but we're working on that.

Probably it's been so easy because we've had so much help. Trav took all last week off work and my mom was wonderful enough to come and take care of Petey while we were still in the hospital and she stayed for a whole week afterwards too. Thanks Mom!

Yesterday she pulled a switcheroo with Travis' mom and now we have the other grandma in town all this week. Yay for family!

This past week, we celebrated Travis' 29th Birthday, which was pretty low key, but he didn't seem to mind. Probably because I made him my super delicious chocolate-coconut creme cake. 

Petey also spent some quality time in the pool since it was pretty warm for a few days. Only problem is, this is how the kid likes to go swimming. I'm sure our neighbors love getting an eyeful.

And then we gave Benjamin his first bath...which he absolutely hated. Of course. But I loved it! Mainly because I got to use my new Puj Tub that my dear friends Amber, Katie, & Angela gave me. It snaps together so you can set it right in your bathroom sink and then pops open to hang up flat to dry. Love, love it.
It's been a busy first week, but we are loving having Benji home with us. Peter is starting to warm up too and constantly asks to hold him or will bring me the pacifier whenever he hears his brother crying. It's too cute.


Travis said...

hooray for the puj tub!! isn't it fantastic?? i love petey in the pool. priceless!

joolee said...

oops, that comment was me. :)

Katie said...

He looks so cute it the tub! And I LOVE naked Peter. Benji is just precious.

Ashley B. said...

Oh Sweet Benji! Your pal Milo is jealous of the tub but likes his baths, so I guess you guys are even. You sleep good and tell your big brother to too. And, while you're at it, give your Mom and Dad the go ahead to snooze as well.

Angela said...

Awe, so glad you like the tub at least! And Julie, I'm sure Travis would have said the same thing, don't you think? And happy Birthday Trav!

Lisa Lee said...
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Lisa Lee said...
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Lisa Lee said...

Sorry I messed up twice trying to say how adorable the photos are. (I partial to the two gramma ones). He's changed so much just in 2 weeks! Looks like Benjy is going to be as cute as Peter with no clothes on - nothing like going swimming and fishing butt-nekkid.

Cherie said...

My sister worked for them (Puj tubs) and did their design!