May 26, 2011

On our own

Well, after having visitors for over two weeks to help out with Benjamin and Peter - we are now officially on our own! Which is a little daunting, I assure you. But we're working on it. Petey is handling the decreased amount of attention okay - we just need to get Benji sleeping more consistently at night so I can be a more interactive mom during the day. 

Our last guest was my dad - Petey had a wonderful time being thrown around by 'Silly Grandpa'
We took Benjamin to his 2 week checkup a few days ago and the doctor confirmed what we already knew: he is a little piglet. Benji not only has passed his birth weight, he's already 6lbs 13oz. Quite the little chunker.
But really, ever so cute.

Anyone else just love watching their babies sleep in these curled up positions?

Pete and Benji just hanging out. We are still working on Peter not loving Benji to death.
But he sure does enjoy helping Daddy feed the baby.

And yep, I even make an occasional appearance with Benjamin. 

Lastly, this is entirely non-baby related, but I must share my most recent cooking acquisition. I specially requested this cake pan for Mother's Day (which was spent in the hospital - so I figure I get to pick out my own present) and Travis more than came through. Behold the stoneware bundt pan from Pampered Chef! 
Of course the first thing I had to make was my all time favorite dessert: angel food cake (12 egg whites!) which was superb and divine and entirely consumed within 24 hours. 
Mainly by me. 
Don't judge - I'm nursing. 


joolee said...

oh, little benji is so sweet! you'll get through this "on your own" time, michelle. life just establishes a new "norm". :) personally, i had to just expect less of myself, whether that meant laundry, dishes or whatever else being set aside. don't fret and just enjoy your little men!

*Jess* said...

glad things are going well! Your dad looks great :)

Lisa Lee said...

They are all so sweet but the one where Peter is touching Benjamin's feet is extra precious. I can't believe how much he's grown already,, and in the one with the pacifier he really looks like Peter already. Gotta loves genes. You'll do great- lots of prayers going your way (esp Gramma and Bertie's)

Emily said...

So you got the Pampered Chef pan! Awesome. I love the picture of little Benjamin with his eyes wide open. Such a cutie! I need to come visit again soon.

Rachelle said...

congrats on your sweet little boy. Glad everything is going well. enjoy your summer.

Sue said...

Love the photos. We may be a lone way from you here in Atlanta (Tucker) but we love you and it is great to see the photos of you and your family and Your mom and dad.

Love, Sue