August 5, 2016

Road Trip to Utah

After Travis and I got home from Sweden (I'll get around to posting those pictures...eventually), we decided to head up to Utah the following day to celebrate the 4th of July with the Lee family. 

As you can see below, my kids were a bit pooped even before we hit the road.

We stayed with my sister Tracie and enjoyed playing in the water outside for the 4th. 

Or as I like to call it "Happy Blow Something Up Day"

We headed up to the side of the mountain to watch the Thanksgiving Point fireworks with Tracie's family and got to watch the entire Utah Valley go crazy with their fireworks. I've never seen anything like the hours-long constant display of fireworks from all over the valley. It was beautiful!

Sadly, Travis had to go back home the next day for work (which is part of the reason we went up, so I wouldn't be home alone so much) so my mom and I took the kids off to farm country at Thanksgiving Point.

The kids were super excited to ride the ponies -- even Nora after some initial hesitation, rode by herself just fine.

Hanging with Grandma on the wagon ride.

Nora loves Tracie and she spoiled her rotten while we were there!

The next day, my mom and I took the kids to the dinosaur museum.

When I asked the boys to pose in front of the shark I said "Shark attack!"...

 apparently, all they heard was "Attack!"

And! I also got to go to an author signing with the extraordinarily talented Victoria Schwab at a bookshop in SLC.

There are so many fun family-friendly activities in Utah, we really didn't want to leave! The kids especially didn't want to leave their cousins and grandparents, but after almost 2 weeks on the road, we decided to head home.

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