August 6, 2016

Six Flags Magic Mountain

Travis took work off one day and we took the boys to Six Flags while Nora stayed at home with a sitter. Peter was excited to finally be tall enough to ride lots of the bigger roller coasters. I took him on several big ones including one that drops you from 400 feet! He was so proud that he didn't scream at all (I did!) and when we got off, he said, "That's exactly what I  needed for my spy training!" Apparently, he is like me and really enjoys roller coasters like I do.
Travis took Peter on another big called X2 where it goes all around and Travis said he looked over at one point and he was all white faced and had a death grip on the bars. Travis was worried and when they got off, he asked, "Are you okay buddy? Was that too much?"
Peter answered, "That. Was....AWESOME!"
That kid cracks us up!

 We might have thrown Benji for a loop though. We took him on the Ninja roller coaster first off - the biggest one he could go on - and he maybe freaked out a bit and refused to ride anything even remotely fast for the rest of the day. Poor kid.

 We got him to go on a few with us but he really just wanted to stay in kiddie land which was actually okay.
We had so much fun and I think everyone was exhausted by the time we got home that night.

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