October 14, 2012

Walking Wounded

Many adventures have come to visit the Millet's recently.
Starting with: a few weeks ago Travis finally made all his boyhood dreams come true by becoming the proud new owner of two ducks. 
Actually two dreams were fulfilled in one day as he bought them at the local livestock auction.
We're still not sure who was more fascinated by the ducks. 
Daddy or Benji.
But then a coyote came and ate our ducks (along with roughly 10 chickens and one cat) while we were on vacation so we can no longer giggle at the silly ducks. 
But then...We got a bike trailer! Woo-hoo!
The kids love it and we have been having the best time rolling around the neighborhood now that the nights are getting cooler. 
Until one night when I may have crashed my bike and fractured my left (luckily) elbow. Blerg.
I'm supposed to be wearing a sling for the next 4-6 weeks and not put any weight on it but who knows how long that will last.
In my defense, I was just trying to keep up with Travis who had badly jammed his finger during circuit training a few days before.
Not to be outdone by Mommy and Daddy, Peter decided to get croup. And then generously passed it on to Benji. Our nights have been filled with fevers and the wonderful sound of dry hacking coughs. Every parents dream!
So now we're a house full of sickies and gimps with only one plucky chicken to our name.
Here's hoping next week treats us a wee bit better.


Ashley B. said...

So this is your excuse for not texting me back?? Okay, I accept all the stated reasons as valid excuses, and I hope you are better (safer, healthier, less jammed, less broken, and less hunted) this week.

joolee said...

oh, what a sad way to start the fall! sending "get well" vibes your way...(and what a gluttonous coyote, my goodness!)