October 17, 2012

Men in Tights

Awhile back Travis read Robin Hood and decided he need to own and learn how to shoot a bow and arrow. Peter has long been fascinated by Daddy's bow and so this past Sunday Travis sat down and built one for the little man. 
I'm pretty dang impressed with how well it turned out seeing how it was made of extra blinds slats and the fact that it shoots a solid 16 feet. (Any less and it would be kinda wussy, anymore and I wouldn't let him have it.)
You can't say that Trav isn't resourceful.

My favorite part of this picture? 
Besides the obvious father-son bonding moment.
The black socks with sandals. Looking good babe. 
What can I say? Socks and sandals are my typical Sunday afternoon napping attire. I'm used to my fashion sense being too avant-garde for most people. - (Travis in response)

1 comment:

Lisa Lee said...

YES the man is creative! Maybe Peter is an Olympic archer in the making? (And could you ask Travis if pretty please he would make me one just like it for Christmas?)