October 1, 2012

DIY Ruler Growth Chart

I've been itching to make one of these ruler growth charts for a while now. I like the idea that you can rip it off the wall and take it with you as you move houses and not lose all those precious milestones. This weekend I finally got around to staining the board that had been sitting all lonely like in the garage for who knows how long. I used this tutorial for the tick marks (using a quick square -- a must for this project!) and numbers but as I didn't have a paint pen, I pulled out the handy-dandy sharpie and went to town while Trav and I watched a movie.
The stain did turn out a bit darker than I would have liked but as I already had a can leftover from a previous project, I wasn't about to go buy a new one just for this. 
All in all, I love how it all turned out.
Let the measuring begin!


The Martinsen Family said...

I love it!!!! I'm glad you made this, so that you guys don't have "the measuring wall" that Trav and I had growing up. Although, I do love seeing it every time we go back. It does scream "redneck" though. Wait, a lot of our childhood screams "redneck." I think it looks amazing, great job.

Michelle said...

Jenn - I know exactly what you mean. Trav has already informed me that anyone even remotely breathing who comes into our house is gonna go on the measuring chart. Okey-dokey.