October 29, 2012

Preschool Pumpkin Patch

Last week Peter's preschool class took a field trip to a small pumpkin patch here in town. It had a few little rides, a bounce house and a petting zoo which Benji was especially fond of. 
It was pretty fun to see Peter interact with the kids in his class -- and his teachers. I must say he must be my kid because he is very fond of rules.

Benji so desperately wanted to join the big kids in their fun.

 Up and down the big slide.
 Then all the kids gathered for a little storytime about growing pumpkins -- and they all wore these ridiculously cute hats.
 Can you spot Pete? He's on the left in the brown jacket.
 The whole crew -- morning and afternoon classes. 
It was like herding ducks to get them all in there I tell ya.

The boys. Who really did have lots of fun despite their faces here, but I had stuck them facing the sun for a photo and this is the best I got...

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