September 26, 2011

Peter's Bunny Build-Up Approach to Eating

Do you have a child that often just won't eat?

We've got one of those too.

We've tried various methods including jokes, bribery, consequences...everything. But what seems to work the best is what Travis dubs as The Bunny Build-Up Approach. This method works almost without fail.

And being an Engineer, he turned it into a handy-dandy flow chart for easy reference. You're welcome.


The Tregeagles said...

Sam takes one look and runs away from the table. That's how bad it is at our house. I regret to say that once I lied and told him that there was an evil beast that eats children if they don't feed their bellies with good food (the foods that the monster hates like carrots, peas, eggs, chicken, fish etc.) If he were to just eat one bite of those things then the beast would smell it on him and he would run away. It seemed to work for a couple of days, but then his logic stepped in and proclaimed that "mom you said monsters and vampire and ghosts don't exist". I was done for on that one. So he just doesn't eat anymore.

joolee said...

haha, i love it. my mom's dad used to put their dinner leftovers into their pancakes the next morning...and my mom remembers having creamed corn in her pancakes once...ewwww. so we threaten the kids with that, but haven't actually done it yet!

madsen usually is forced to eat a bite of dinner, after which he either says, "mmm, TASTY!" and then eats it all plus second helpings OR he cries and cries, eats nothing, and decides to go to bed without food. he REALLY does choose to go to bed instead of eating food he doesn't like!! that kid is SO stubborn.

Austin said...

When you put it like that, eating is simple. No wonder mankind has survived for so long.

Joe said...


You missed an essential step in the flow chart- "Did you get the 30 second warning gurgle in your stomach?"