January 27, 2010

The Turkey Turns Two

Can you believe it's been two years since we brought this little turkey home?
Everybody kept telling me the time would simply fly by, but man! Did it really have to go by so quickly?

For Petey's birthday, we went bowling with a couple of families from our ward that have kids around Petey's age. Trav was just very excited to show off his spiffy bowling shoes.
Only having gone bowling a couple of times, Petey caught on pretty quick. After watching everyone either cheer or be sad after their turn, he started jumping around going 'yay!!' or saying 'oh no' after each turn.
The kids who came: Darren, Lauren, Alaina, Milloy, & Peter
We've been spending a lot of time with Lauren and her mom lately and now Petey will wake up in the morning and say "Lauren?"
For his birthday, we got Petey an art easel since he loves his cousin Carter's so much. For some reason it reminds me of this picture.
At his two year checkup, he weighed 24 lbs 14 oz and was 33 inches tall. Still hanging onto the bottom side of the weight percentile, but he's pretty good. Since we've moved, this is the first time he's seen this new pediatrician and as we were getting ready to go she said: "wow, he sure is busy, isn't he?" Yup.
My little baby is growing up.


Ashley B. said...

Happy Birthday Turkey!!

*Jess* said...

Happy Birthday little man! It does go by way too fast!

Katie said...

Oh my goodness I can't believe he's so old. And I forgot how tiny he was. He is such a cute little guy. Happy birthday!