January 1, 2009

We've got the sickies...

No, we're not dead. We just got a bad case of the sickies..

Peter got bronchitis and and ear infection for Christmas from a cousin and generously offered to pass it on to me. Here's Petey using his water-pipe, I mean nebulizer. The poor kid is pretty pathetic and we're hoping he starts feeling better soon.


The Morgans said...

Oh, that is so sad. He just looks miserable. Hope he feels better.

The Tregeagles said...

Aw poor little guy. Hope you all start feeling better. It's horrible to be ill on a holiday!

Lisa Lee said...

Michelle got a VERY bad case of the sickies too - and it was before Peter got well. Nothing worse than being sick when you have a sick child. Her mom

Angela said...

I think that may be the saddest picture ever! Hope you both get feeling better soon. I thought of you last night when I happened upon Tess of the Durberville's last night on Masterpiece Theater. Did you catch it?

gardeniagirl said...

Ah, nebulizing bliss. Hopefully it won't become a recurrent theme in your lives as it has in ours. It was good to see you guys!

Ashley B. said...

I was so happy to hear your voice on my voicemail -- but you did sound like you had the sickies a bit. Hope all is well and 2009 is rolling now. Plus, I heard you are neighbors with Melinda now!!! Can I move in too??!!?!