May 3, 2008

News Flash!

This is a momentous occasion. Last night, Peter slept through the night!! He snoozed the night away from 8pm to 7am, a whopping ELEVEN hours! I actually woke up at 5am and poked Trav to see if he had gotten up with him without me knowing. But he said no..and we happily went back to sleep for an entire night without any feeding, rocking, patting or lullabyeing. I can't really take credit for my baby's ability to sleep well, he just does it all on his own. Peter basically put himself on a schedule when he was only a month old and continues to do so without any real coaching from me. You can tell time by this kid. But knock on wood, let's just hope this momentous occasion becomes a reoccurring trend and not just a one time fling.


Cherie said...

Congratulations! Hopefully Lily will follow soon...

Cherie said...

Congratulations! Hopefully Lily will follow soon...

carsonTheDinosaur said...

Hey bro, its all lookin' good. Keep the posting up. I'll work on making sure you have good comments coming in, thus providing a good symbiotic environment for this blogosphere. PS I added you on oakenwelds blog role, so that might do something to our respective page ranks.