April 24, 2016


We have this giant bush in our front yard that only blooms once a year for about two weeks (and that's it!) with these beautiful tiny pink roses. Every year I want to do pictures with the kids and I always forget, but this year it was so beautiful I managed to get a few good ones of the kids today before church.

I'm just going to say it. Nora is a doll.

To me, Peter always looks like a little European retired man when he wears this suit. He's a goof.

My Benji.

Trying to get all three in one shot was a bit...trying...really. But I'm happy with the few we managed.

I had them standing next to each other and Nora kept yelling 'Hands! Hands!' until the boys held hands with her. She loves them so much.

They crack me up.

Each with their own little personality.

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