May 23, 2016

Benji Turns 5!!

Our little man turned the big five a few weeks ago. He has been so excited for his birthday, every day asking how many more days until his birthday.

We took cupcakes to his class at Birds Nest the day before his birthday and he was so cute with all his little school friends.

Benji requested a karate party this year (don't even think about calling it a ninja party) and we had tons of fun getting ready. Even Nora got ready by showing off her karate moves.


Benji with his best buddy Tyler.
 Travis was great, he had the kids breaking (balsa wood) boards, trying sushi, and throwing ninja stars.

Unlike at his 3rd birthday party, Benji actually wanted to hit the pinata this time around and got in a few really good hits.

Opening presents
 Look at that mischievous face.

One of Benji's favorite presents was this awesome shark blanket.

Grandma Lisa also sent two fun rock mining kits to the birthday boy. Benji was exceptionally nice and let Peter and Nora help him to mine  the gems. Although Nora wasn't terribly excited about all the banging like her brothers were.
 His treasures

Our Benji has grown so much this past year. He is an adventurous kid with a wild imagination and makes friends wherever he goes. He is such a special, unique kid who cracks us up continually. We love you so much, kid!

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