April 24, 2016


Easter this year was a bit anti-climatic. After spending a great afternoon whale watching the day before, all of our kids ending up getting sick for the rest of Spring Break. Blegh.

Before it all hit however, Travis took the boys to our church's Easter egg hunt.

Benji rounding a tight corner in a tough game of duck-duck-goose.

Since Nora missed out, the Easter Bunny came to visit us Sunday morning and the kids got really excited about going on an egg hunt (bedhead and pjs included). Nora ran around the yard yelling "Eggies! Eggies!" over and over. She is darling.

Apparently tumbleweeds are appropriate accessories for girls in princess dresses and tennies.

Excited about their loot! To be honest however, after this they were all so tired out we went inside and watched a movie and they didn't even ask to eat any of their candy! That was when I knew they were really sick.

Happy Easter!

We enjoyed a nice dinner that night, even though I don't think some people had ever even gotten out of their pjs. Oh well, that's a successful holiday in my book.

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