March 23, 2016

Nora turns two

Another pi day and we get to celebrate our sweet little lady turning TWO!!
Poor kid will never have cake on her birthday, but just look at this gorgeous apple pie we enjoyed! Yum.
Nora, however was more a fan of the banana cream.
 She kept demanding "mor! mor!"

Turns out after the flurry of Christmas, this girl has become a PRO at opening presents. In fact, she got quite huffy if any of her brothers tried to help and kept telling us "I got it. I got it!"
 The little Frozen dolly set from Grandma Lisa was a huge hit.
It had to be opened right away.
 All is right with the world now.

 Nora also got another of these princess nightgowns - because the one she already got from Grandma we have to peel off her in order to wash it at least every 3 or 4 days - and she loved it too. No joke, I have to hide these dresses from her because she will find them, take off all her clothes and put it on so she winds up wearing them to places like the dentist, Costco, or cub scout meetings. 
Luckily, everyone thinks she's adorable (which is true).
I just wish people would say the same thing about me when I wear my pjs out in public.
 The birthday girl also got her own set of 'chakstiks' (chapsticks) because she likes to take (and eat) mommy's.

 Our Nora is the happiest little thing. She loves to sing and twirl and will run around the house singing songs from Frozen or anything, really, at the top of her lungs. Nora talks non-stop now and has started on simple 3-4 word sentences and is sure to repeat anything her brothers say, even if we maybe don't want her to. 

She is fearless - if the boys can do it, then by golly so can she. She's already mastered climbing on and off the trampoline and is determined to ride a big kid bike before she turns three. And beware anyone who wants to help the child dress or undress! Independent and strong-willed, she constantly keeps us in stitches with her little voice and silly antics.
 We love you super girl!

1 comment:

*Jess* said...

Jocelyn has her own collection of chap stick for that very reason!