March 13, 2016

Daddy's taking us to the Zoo tomorrow

To celebrate Nora's birthday we went as a family to the LA Zoo. She is in the what-sound-does-that-animal-make stage and got so excited to see each different one, pointing to each animal and yelling 'Dat!' (that)

The weather was perfect and the kids were especially excited to see the elephants, cheetahs, and otters.

  Little Monkey
and navigator

 I still can't believe this little stinker will be two tomorrow! She has so much personality these days - you might call it sass - and talks and sings nonstop.

Nora got pretty tired by the end of the day since she missed her nap but she refused to fall asleep until we finally made it to the car, despite her head bobbing in the stroller.
 Where she and Benji immediately sacked out.

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