April 19, 2015

Broken Arm & Ridiculously Adorableness

This post is a whole lotta randomness but I have to say while going through my recent pictures -- my kids are totally, without a doubt, the cutest things I have ever seen. How did I wind up with such beautiful little humans?

A few weeks ago, Peter was jumping on the trampoline and thanks to Daddy -- hit a wicked double bounce and came down quite hard on his right hand. He was pretty upset, but since there wasn't much swelling and he seemed to be able to move his arm okay (and let's be honest, urgent care was closing in about 10 min) we decided not to take him to the doctor.
Well, that night Peter was up all night complaining that his arm hurt 'so bad' so the next morning I took him in and lo and behold, the child had broken BOTH bones in his arm just below his wrist. The doctor called it a buckle fracture. It's where the bones didn't actually snap, but due to the softness of a child's bones, have impacted, creating a sort of bulge on either side. 
 Luckily, that translated into Peter not really hurting much after the initial first few days. He put him in this new type of cast -- which Peter keeps trying to tell me we need to modify with a grappling hook, laser gun, compass, etc. -- that he has to wear for the next 6 weeks. Ugh. No fun.
Peter's been a champ except for a few little pity parties about how sad he was that he doesn't get to play at all at recess. Poor kid, it's hard to tell a 7 year old he can't run around and play with his friends.
We were getting along okay until I took him into the doctor again this past Friday and after another x-ray the doctor was concerned about how well it wasn't healing. He said that Peter's been using it too much so the bone was beginning to shift out of alignment and it if continued to shift he would have to rebreak Peter's arm (OUCH!) and recast him yet again. So. His solution was to put Peter in a sling and absolutely forbid him to do ANY weight bearing using that arm. No running, no playing, no nothing. Needless to say, he freaked me out enough that I've been much more strict with Peter about what he can and can't do lately. But hopefully, after another 3 weeks of this limited activity, he'll be all healed up and ready to go again. 

A few weeks ago we also got to watch our church's general conference and I just had to share the deliciousness that we attempted with our friends the Carlsons -- The Crepe Cake. 

Other than a broken arm, it's been pretty chill at our house. Nora is go, go, go all the time now that she is mobile and is adding new sounds to her vocabulary every day. Her latest is when she picks up a phone (or remote or calculator) she'll say "eye" as in, "hi" It's super cute.

 She's also a fearless climber and I've already found her on top of chairs, her little car, the dishwasher, the lego table -- anything she can get to, you better believe she's gonna climb on it.
 Such a cutie though.

 It seems were are patently unable to get all three kids to sit still and all look at the camera at the same time, but these pictures pretty much are exploding from cuteness anyway. Look at these little munchkins. I love them so much.

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