September 5, 2014

Nora-Girl is 5 Months

A few weeks ago Nora turned 5 months old. I'm a bit behind, but better late than never, right?
Our little lady is just still so happy. We love her little rolls and happy smile and all the noises she constantly makes.
The only bump came last week when she cut her first two bottom teeth. She was NOT a happy girl - going from sleeping basically the entire night to waking up 4-5 times and only catnapping during the day (okay, so it was mommy who wasn't so happy). But she seems to be getting over it, although she still puts everything in her mouth. Which is also probably why she started taking a pacifier, thank the heavens. It helps out so much -- especially when she's hanging out with someone other than me :)
Nora's also learning to sit up these days - we've figured out that she doesn't really care for the bumbo, she'll just arch her back to get out, but likes to sit aided with the boppy while watching her silly brothers run circles around her. 
It's been neat to watch her coordination improve too. If you hold a toy out for her, she can now grasp it...and immediately stick in her mouth.
And just because there aren't many of the baby with mommy, I had to include this one after bath time one night. 
For almost a month now Nora has also been rolling over both ways and will scoot herself along so that she will get halfway across the living room before you know it.
I've even seen her push up into a sort of plank position lately. I wouldn't be surprised if she starts crawling before the month is out! 
 Nora is the definition of a third baby. She has no schedule besides nighttime bedtime because the poor thing always gets woken up from naps when I have to take the boys places or run errands but she generally is okay with it all. I don't even know how many times the boys come to tell me that "Nora fell asleep on the carpet (again)" while I was trying to fix dinner or do homework with Peter. Luckily, our sweet girl seems to have taken all in stride.

My little sleeping lamb. Love this baby and would not change a thing about her.


*Jess* said...

third babies are awesome and so flexible!

Ashley B. said...

She's so cute! (I fancy that my Peter Elias even looks like her!)Give her snuggles for me.