September 21, 2014

6 Months!

Last Sunday Nora turned 6 months old. I took her to the doctor and she is now 14 lbs! Growing, growing, growing.

The doctor said she looked perfect and we have to agree. We even started her on solid food today and boy did she ever get excited. I pureed up some peas and she wiped the bowl clean! More food wound up on her then inside her but it was definitely fun to watch her try to gobble it all down. Hopefully some solids will help fill our growing girl up since she had been waking up 2 to 3 times a night the past couple of weeks - which is not enjoyable I tell ya.

The cute bunch. 


joolee said...

Wow, 6 months?? She is just so cute! Bowen woke up several times a night (for no reason, really) up until his 1st birthday...I TRULY HOPE AND PRAY that Nora will end that habit before six more months comes to a close, for your sake! I hear ya, it is NO fun...

Ashley B. said...

Tic tac toe. Those sweet faces are amazing. You are so blessed (and so are they!)