January 28, 2013

Schmidt's Tunnel v.2

In honor of MLK Jr. Day, we once again ventured out with Travis' co-workers for the Fourth Annual Off-Roading Adventure returning once again to Schmidt's Tunnel. Luckily our little Honda once again made it through despite some misgivings on my part and we had a fabulous day full of sun and adventure!

First we stopped off at an old X-15 crash site (we were with a slew of aerospace engineers), 
which just had to include a short hike to find a geocache (which we never did locate).

Next up was lunch and a stop at a ghost town -- an old mining town which has this neat little museum with lots of mining equipment and even a steam locomotive which you can be sure my boys thought was pretty rad. 

 At one point we did manage to lose Peter which induced no small amount of panic on my part. Apparently he had left the group to go back to the car because, as he said, "I just needed some alone time." After explaining that was fine, just tell us first, we finally set off for the grand finale, a trip through Schmidt's Tunnel.
Trav and Pete checking out the blood stains on a particularly low-hanging spot.

Back out in the sun on the other side of the tunnel. 
 It's pretty interesting to see the difference in our family from this and three years ago when we first went there. 


Austin said...

Your off-roading terrain looks more forgiving than up here in the Pacific Northwest (too many tree and bush branches).

The Martinsen Family said...

I love that Trav is wearing the same hoodie in both pictures. As not just any hoodie, A Marsing Huskies CLASSIC!! Love ya guys