January 29, 2013

5 Big Ones

Last Friday Peter turned a whopping 5 years old!
For breakfast we made 'birthday pancakes.' Which are really just regular pancakes but with sprinkles. 
They were a major hit.
 Grandma had gotten in the night before and that afternoon we took cupcakes to Peter's class at school. 
Peter and I with his wonderful teacher, Mrs. Salpy. 

Then on Saturday we had a full-fledged Lego party for the little man.
I even made this nifty Lego cake if you can believe it! Peter was in love with it.
 For the party, we played Lego 'search and rescue' where we hid lots of lego men cutouts around the backyard and the kids had to go rescue them. 
Despite having pouring rain the previous two days, we were blessed with a perfectly sunny day for the party. Such luck.
Here's Peter with his friend from school, Ben.
And Benji & Mason at the Lego table.
Then we cut the cake

 and Peter opened presents. 
I swear that kid now has enough legos to last him till he's at least 12. 
Travis and his co-worker Andy with some of Peter's lego loot.
This was Peter's face practically the entire day. He was so excited for his party.
 We had a wonderful time -- I love having friends over! But I think we won't be doing any large-scale parties any time in the future. It was a bit of work.
But so worth it for our handsome little man. 
Happy Birthday buddy!

1 comment:

*Jess* said...

Happy Birthday to your big guy!!