May 18, 2012

Mamma's takin' us to the Zoo tomorrow

Last week we went to the LA Zoo with the kids from Peter's preschool (for the letter Z of course). 
Trav took the day off to come with us and we had a great time even if we walked our socks off.
That is, if we'd been wearing socks. 
Which we weren't. 
Cause it's May in California. 
I think my favorite exhibit was the flamingos. They were just so beautiful!
 Peter's however, was the jaguar -- in honor of Go, Diego, Go! I suppose.
To be fair, this guy constantly stalked across his cage while we watched. Most impressive.
 We took the boys to the Birds of Prey show -- which was pretty dang neat.
And then to see the gorillas. 
Which was pretty...uh...educational we'll say.
I should have expected something like that seeing as we were around a bunch of animals in early spring.
Mason, Peter, Dublin and Bryce
Peter spent a large amount of time being our navigator. 
He constantly wanted the map to figure out where we should go next. 
He's pretty funny. 

Dublin, Peter, Mason & Tessa outside the new reptile house.

And then, my boys, on a giant snake. 
We wanted to get a picture of Benji riding the snake but it was metal and pretty hot and so he refused a solo photo. Which would have been pretty funny all things considering.
And once again, I think I wound up without a single picture of myself at the zoo. Or of any of the other moms we went with for that matter. Oh well. 
We had a wonderful time and hope to return soon!

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