December 25, 2011

Christmas in Utah, Christmas in California

Merry Christmas!!
We have spent a wonderful December full of comings and goings and lots of visiting. Here's a few highlights from the Millet household.
Peter and I made many, many sugar cookies one afternoon. 
I'm not sure why he's holding an apple here too -- maybe to show that yes, we did eat something healthy this month too.

Benji has been feeling good enough that we took him outside a few times on walks. 
Of course, we had to put him in the Maggie Simpson snowsuit. He continually cracks us up.

Peter probably visited Santa about 8 times this month. So don't be surprised that we didn't buy the over-priced pics of him sitting on Santa's lap at the mall.

The week before Christmas we spent in Utah with my family and had a great time. We went to the Dinosaur museum with all the cousins.

Peter's cousin, Carter (age 8), is the catalyst behind Peter's newly found Lego obsession. What follows is the result of Travis playing Lego's for a solid week and Carter pretending that his Lego's came to life. 

And then we went to my brother David's skating party. 
Peter LOVED this. He's been asking to go roller skating lately (I don't know how he knows what this is, but he did!) and so we jumped at the chance to hang out with David and my Mom while my Dad kept Benji.

At first we got him skates but after he struggled for a while with those, we traded them in for this three-wheeled scooter. At one point Peter said to me: "Momma, let's talk. Those roller skates were pretty good. But this scooter is much better." 

We then had the Lee family Christmas party and opened presents. It was crazyness with seven little excited kids running around but lots of fun too. 
Benji also started crawling in his very own little inch-worm shimmy thing this week. He's not really going very far but he sure is excited to get there. You just can't keep that kid down.

By the time we got home the night before Christmas Eve, we were beat.
But not too tired for Christmas morning!
Peter was so excited! This year he got his first Lego set and a 'red shiny fire engine.' Both of which he has been asking for for months. 
And yes, that lovely purple machine is a Dyson vacuum for yours truly. Our new house is 90% tile and wood floors and I la-la-LOVE this new guy!

Benji was most excited about all the boxes and paper being thrown around.

Travis and I both had the kids help us make gifts for each other this year and while Peter helped make me a pretty jewelry box, he put together this 'print' from Benji. 
And what are those three prints you ask? Well, just read the accompanying poem and find out...

"I'm just a baby now, but just wait and see
Before you know it, I'll shoot up like a weed.
I'm giving this gift so you'll have to remember
What a small boy I was this December.

One hand and one footprint I'm leaving for you
So that you can keep track of just how I grew.
And the one in the middle that looks like an inkblot
Is one that I made in a petite baby squat.

It was just because I thought it was funny.
That I left you an imprint of my wee baby bummy.
I just want you to know Mom, I love you immensely
Signed with love, your little boy Benji."

I wasn't quite sure whether to laugh or cry on this one.
I think I did both.

And lastly, the boys in their Christmas morning church finery (and one of Benji as a Christmas ninja).

Merry Christmas!


Joe said...

Nice singing/song-writing, Trav! I knew that your college experience would come in handy some day!

Don't forget to have your supervisor write a bullet about this for your appraisal!

Ashley B. said...

You know, for not knowing Benji and Petey very well, I sure do love'em a lot. They make me smile three time zones away.