January 12, 2011

Bunk Beds!

Last night we finally bought bunk beds for Peter. The kid is in heaven. We've been talking up his 'big boy bed' for a few weeks now hoping he'd be able to make the transition from toddler bed to full size bed easy. Especially with the new baby coming, we didn't want him to feel like the new kid on the block had stolen his bed.
As you can probably guess, our little man loves 'em. As soon as we got them all set up (okay, as soon as Trav got them set up with me offering encouragement along the way) he immediately climbed up the ladder and made himself right at home. Since we didn't get a mattress for the top bunk yet, we had him sleep on the bottom (thank goodness) but even then, I was scared silly he'd fall out of bed. Luckily, he went right to sleep and didn't fall out once. But that may be because of all the blankets and pillows I had piled up along the edge and on the floor. Sneaky me.

A funny side note: Peter is still calling the baby 'baby Petey.' In fact, he refuses to even consider other names. Whenever I suggest something he'll say, "No Mama! His name is Baby Petey!" very insistent-like. We think it's pretty funny and have even taken to calling him P2 or baby Petey too. Oh well, thankfully we have a few more months to come up with something. In the meantime, I always think of this hilarious song every time he calls him "baby Petey."


Ashley B. said...

Petey's so lucky - I tried to talk my Peter into getting bunks for us . . . but, my idea didn't get too far. Enjoy them for me Petey-boy! (by the way, you're looking an awfully lot like your Daddy in your pictures!)

Lisa Lee said...
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Kris said...

Emmy didn't like the name Nancy and refused to call her that for months after she was born. She even went so far as to tell my grandmother Nancy, who she's named for, that she didn't like the name. Ooops.
I'd hold off on the upper mattress for a while, because what you really need to be worrying about it Peter figuring out how to jump on the top bunk and then, how to jump off the top bunk. Maybe buy the kid a helmet :)

sitesNsolutions.com said...

I see no need to worry. From the pic it looks like there's a soft landing just below the top bunk. Besides, you used to eject out of the top bunk of your bed fairly regularly when you were about Pete's age. I think that started after we got tired of "rescuing" you -- you'd climb up on the top bunk and then start crying. Our response time kept getting slower and slower until finally you just started dropping off the top bunk. Oh, the trials and tribulations of being a 3rd child . . .