April 13, 2010

Day 2 of the bedtime saga

Yesterday Trav and I decided it's time to get rid of Petey's beloved sippy cup. He's always been a pretty good sleeper but mainly because of the sippy routine. But he's two now and always wants to chew on it while he sleeps - which I know is bad for his teeth so we decided to go cold turkey. I knew we were going to have some drama and Petey has sure lived up to the hype.

I put him down for a nap yesterday and of course, crying ensued. For about an hour. Then he finally quieted down and I figured (hoped actually) he had worn himself out and had finally drifted off. No such luck - about an hour later when I finally let him out of the room, this is what it looked like.
Books, toys and the dresser contents had been thrown everywhere. And look how pleased he is with himself. *sigh* That night he went right to sleep - probably due to not having a nap - but right now he is currently still banging around in his room when he should be sleeping. *double sigh* Now I'm thinking we should have waited to switch to a toddler bed. I sure do miss quiet nap times.

Any of you veteran moms out there with any good ideas on how to transition to naptime sans sippy?


The Martinsen Family said...

Sorry I'm not a veteran mom or have any good ideas. We still have Taiz on a sippy, for nap and bedtime. I keep watching out for the lighting strike from the mother gods, but nothing yet. Let me know if you get any advice that works.

*Jess* said...

He obviously still needs it! I would let him have it a bit longer. He'll probably give it up on his own soon anyway and that's so much easier!

Michelle D said...

Nope, not one idea. Sam (almost 3) still likes his...we ONLY use it for bedtime though. We've tried cold turkey too - but it's a no go if anyone wants to sleep at night (he hasn't been napping for a few weeks now. sigh)

I'd love to hear if anyone has any ideas though. My cousin said that her son just threw his away in the river one day and he was fine with it. I'm hoping Sam will do that...someday.

Kris said...

Patience. The first week is the worst, but they get over it. Plus, you were bound to get some nap time resistance sooner or later just because of his age. Welcome to 2!
I'd say if he's having major breakdowns several weeks into, you could reconsider giving it back. But, most likely he'll whine a little more at first then figure it out. Lots of fresh air in the morning also helps my girls go down for naps without too much fuss. Of course, then you might need one too...

David Lee said...

put the bed back together.

Eliason 5 said...

He is so adorable! I love his little cheeser at the camera. We miss you guys and hope everything is going well for you.

Ashley B. said...

Maybe let him have a drink before nap , and let him put Sippy to "bed" in its own bed (ie a shoebox in your bedroom). Just a guess. When Andy wouldn't give up his bottle, we all went to the horse pasture down the street and "gave" it to the horse that lived there. Who knows :)

Joe said...
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Joe said...

Bribery works well, aka positive reinforcement. For example, "you can have your favorite cereal when you wake up!"

Charlotte uses it on me all the time. Works like a charm.

Hoping to see you guys May 16th for a quick visit on our way from LA to Utah. Church still start at 9am for y'all?