May 3, 2009

Ill fated family fotos

For the past couple of years, my family has been trying to take family pictures but for a variety of reasons we've never been able to manage it. With Trav and I getting ready to leave for Ohio, I scheduled pictures with my wonderful neighbor for the last Saturday we would be in Utah -- hopefully giving my mom and David plenty of time to recover from their kidney transplants earlier last month. My mom warned me that rain was forecasted for Saturday morning, but me, I had faith that THIS time the cosmos would align and the Lees would have pictures! So let me just give you a description of Saturday morning for you:

6:30am: wake up to POURING rain
7:00am: begin online research for places to take photos inside
7:15am: Petey wakes up and notice he has weird rash on back and belly
8:00am: mom suggests interior at Thanksgiving Point
8:30am: call photographer and she okays Thanksgiving Point, reschedule for 11am
8:40am: call parents & siblings about new time and place
8:45am: call pediatrician about rash and says we should bring Petey in (after hours charge = ouch!)
9:20am: after examination, pediatrician says rash is viral infection, DO NOT take around David since he is on immunosuppressant drugs
9:45am: frantically call parents & siblings to explain and cancel and apologize to photographer
10:15am: come home and put Petey to bed
noon: rain stops, sun shines. Sheesh.

So. No Lee family photos were taken. And no photos can be taken before we leave since Petey is supposedly contagious for 5 days. My theory is that we Lees are just too good looking for our own good and to have all of us in ONE place, at ONE time, documented in FILM would just be too much for the cosmos and someone just couldn't let that happen. Just a theory.

Curious? Here's the rash that's covering Petey head to foot now. The doctor said it's nothing to worry about, it'll just last about 5 days. The poor kid seems fine so we are just hoping for the best since we leave for a three-day car ride in less than two days. Parenthood -- never a dull moment.


Travis Millet said...

Whose are those nasty dirty fingernails? Did you have a hobo hold your child while you took this picture?

Katie said...

Oh sad. I'm sorry pictures didn't work out.

*Jess* said...

poor little guy :( I'm sorry Michelle, hopefully it will work out next time!

Cherie said...

Eww! Lily got the SAME rash. Some viral infection she picked up at the ER. I'm sorry about your family pictures. I know how impossible those are to put together. My Dad decided two years ago that we aren't allowed to go get family pictures anymore. It was a sad day for me!

The Tregeagles said...

Sam had that rash when he was around 9 months or so, Dr. says it was viral. Turned in to keratosis. We have to rub steroid cream on his cheeks and thighs and make sure we don't wash his clothes in anything but free det. P.S Dreft det. causes skin problems in fair skinned children.