November 5, 2008

All About Me

I saw these unique questions on my friend's blog and thought I'd give them a go. They're not your average blogtag q's so enjoy. Cause I know we all want to know more about the amazing person that is me.... (drumroll please)

1) Church calling you would HATE to have: I can't really think of anything I'd actually HATE but some that might not be so appealing to me are: enrichment committee or nursery worker -- but that's about it.

2) Saying you say the most often: Oh my goodness; ____ drives me bonkers

3) Saying you hate to hear other people say: What the heck/hey!; after someone say's they love something: Why don't you marry it? -- I hated this one when I was in elementary school and it still drives me bonkers

4) Most rotten thing you did today: Um, turned on a video for my baby so I could finish the last 20 pages of a book.

5) Explain the fourth picture in the fourth folder on your computer: I don't have a fourth picture in my fourth folder, but here is the second (& last). When I got married, my co-workers decorated my chair at work like they would a car. Streamers, tin cans tied to it and a nice big "Just Married' sign. It was really thoughtful.

6) A picture you have of people you don't know: This is some random Colts fan who has painted his head to look like a helmet. I think my dad or someone actually took this photo but somehow it ended up in my files too. And not only is this from any ole Colts game it's the 2007 AFC Championship playoff game - Colts vs. Patriots - which the Colts won (of course) and subsequently sent them and our family to the Superbowl! This was probably the best game I've ever been to in my life.

7) Secret dream: To become a book editor or reviewer. Basically I just want people to send me free advance copies of all the newest books for me to read. Ahh.. new books. However, if this were to become reality, I'd probably get too caught up in the reading part to ever get around to the reviewing part and I'd probably lose the ideal job. Sigh.

8) Favorite place to spend money: Target. I can wander around that fabulous store for hours and always find some great deal or just something I HAVE to have. Much to Travis' dismay of course.

9) Personal indulgence: Books, books, and more books. I spend waaaay too much time researching what I want to read next and reading people's reviews. Also, coats. I love me a new coat.

10) Girl crush: Stacey London, Miranda Lambert, Reese Witherspoon, Rachel McAdams .. I don't really know of any others.

11) 3 goals: 1 long term, 1 day to day, 1 silly:
Long term: Stay in contact with all my family and to raise a happy, healthy family.
Day to day: Try to get Peter to start sleeping through the night.
Silly: watch Step Up 2 with my ladies! we love our awesomely bad b-movies.

12) 3 things you collect or obsess over:
1) Books- Oh golly. Don't get me started again! Any type will do: fiction, non fiction, teen, fantasy, chick-lit, history, classics, contemporary, and I'm a sucker for a good love story. There is something so satisfying about finishing a well-written book that draws you in and makes you truly care about the the characters and plot.
2) GoodReads - This is sort of an extension of #1 -- it's my go-to, one-stop-shop for all things books. I can spend hours reading people's reviews and finding new things I want to read. I love that you can write your own reviews, make bookshelves, join discussion groups and above all that it isn't sponsored by Amazon! I must admit to being quite selective about my friends -- if I don't know you and you don't write reviews pretty regularly, I'm dropping you like it's hot. Cruel I know, but necessary.
3) Organizing - Every couple of months or so, I have to go through all my closets and rearrange everything and get rid of stuff that I think we don't need anymore. This drives Trav up a wall becuase he is a consummate pack rat. If I don't do this, I start feeling claustrophobic -- like stuff is going to fall down on me when I open up closet doors. Out of sight, out of mind doesn't really work for me.


The Martinsen Family said...

Question #4, I do the same thing. Except I just lay there!!! Thank goodness for baby einstein. I'm glad I'm not the only one who goes through their closet regularly and throws things away. It drives me crazy too. Love ya guys.

Katie said...

I'm so glad you put Step Up on there. And now I'm all worried that I need to start reviewing books on Goodreads or you'll drop me.

Angela said...

Um...anytime you want to watch Step Up 2 I'm there! I liked it even better than the first one!