March 21, 2008

Stylin' Dos

Peter was born with a head full of really long and oh-so-soft duck fluff for hair. Actually, when I started to push during the delivery, the first thing the nurse said was "wow, this kid's got a ton of hair!" -- not "I see his head" or anything normal like that. Unfortunately, his hair doesn't really start until halfway back on his head, but it is starting to grow everywhere else (finally). I mean, you remember who his parents are right?! This poor kid is probably going to be one hairy little monkey.

Here are a couple of different ways I've found to style it. Which do you like the best?

Smooth and slick
(AKA the old man comb-over)


Fuzzy like a hedgehog


Angela said...

I'm a fan of the fuzzy like a hedgehog, but maybe that's a carry over from my sega-playing days...

The Tregeagles said...

Fuzzy Fuzzy Wuzzy!

Katie said...

I like smooth and slick, cause I like to pet him and I'd be too worried to mess up the fuzzy do. Either way he is still too cute.

Michelle D said...

Fuzzy all the way! I wish Sammy's hair did that. What a sweet darling boy!