January 10, 2008

9 Months!

He's here!!

Just kidding! Fooled you though, huh?! I can't believe Trav actually got this little jacket to fit on his head. All this wondering what our baby is going to look like and now we finally know...

So here we are in the homestretch. Tomorrow I'll officially be 39 weeks pregnant and let's just say I feel it. My doctor really has no clue when he will be coming (isn't that nice?). So in the mean time, I'm taking the stairs, eating greasy mexican food, and..uh..spending as much time with Trav as possible.
Trav did find some ideas online on how to induce labor 'naturally' and one of the suggestions was just a crack-up. The lady knew that walking on uneven surfaces would help, so she walked with one foot on the curb and one foot on the road for a couple of miles. All I could picture was some humongous lady, waddling down the street, up-and-down, like some 6-year-old! Isn't it amazing what we'll do to get these little guys moving.


Britton said...

Ha ha ha ha.... The picture of Travis is freaking hilarious!!! We miss you guys a TON and cant wait to see the little guy when he's born.

The Tregeagles said...

Oh you guys! Michelle my dear try dancing with Trav. Sway back and forth slowly. Also here is a super trick that I know works...have Travis rub your ankles and feet and don't forget to drink lots and lots of water.

Paula said...

Michelle! Wow. I was so excited when I read your comment. Congrats on the baby. I can't wait to hear that he is finally here. I totally understand what you mean about feeling the 39 weeks thing. Lydia was actually due on the 9th of September but I finally had to be induced on the 17th and she came on the 18th. Crazy huh? I am so glad that you are doing well and that I know what you have been doing. You actually met my best friend recently. Her name was Kami Brough (now Kilgore, she married my brother). She is a nurse at Primary Children's. She told me she had met your family. small world huh? Well take care and good luck!

Cherie said...

GO MICHELLE! I can't believe you've made it to the home stretch. Good luck these next weeks as you try to figure out how to make yourself go into labor!

On a side note, my sister was laughing at a recipe for elk chile she saw in a magazine and said, "That's ridiculous. Who the heck can get elk meat to cook?" Keith and I thought it was funny because we immediately thought of ya'll, the only people we know with a supply of elk meat.