May 15, 2017

Las Vegas Vay-Cay

Travis has made plans to attend a tradeshow in Las Vegas the week of his and Benji's birthdays, so we decided to join him. While Travis was off playing master salesman, the kids and I were exploring all of the great parks around Vegas.
Thankfully, most also had splash pads and the kids had a blast.

The kids were actually the most excited about staying in a hotel and having complete control over morning cartoons.

One night we went to see the Bellagio fountains and the kids were enthralled...despite Nora's face here.

One afternoon, we made a quick stop at the Silverton Hotel to visit their aquarium. The boys were entertained by the giant rays and Nora was in love with the mermaids.

 To celebrate Travis' birthday Thursday night and as a belated celebration for Benji's birthday, we surprised the kids with tickets to Tournament of Kings. Benji was a little exhausted going in but after downing an ENTIRE CHICKEN all the kids perked right up.

 Jousting! Sword Fights! Flame Throwers! Horses! 
It was quite the production.

 The kids were so caught up in the spectacle. Benji and Peter don't usually get excited about sporting events but they were cheering and yelling through the entire show. In fact, I looked over at one point and all three boys had the exact same expression on their faces.

 I love these crazy people. Even if we can't manage a family photo.

 We stopped in St. George for Mother's Day and Nora and Travis were practically making my heart explode from the overload of cuteness while picking flowers on our walk.

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