February 8, 2015


Looking over the photos on my phone I found these gems from the last couple of weeks. 

We had quite a bit of rain in January (thank heavens!) and we blessed with some crazy foggy and cloudy days. One afternoon driving home, this cloud break happened and it was simply gorgeous.

Then Peter was honored at school for getting straight As his first semesters as a 1st grader. We are so proud of our little man. He worked really hard. Here he is up on stage (next to Carter McWhorter from church) getting his award.

Nora seems to be more curious about this walking thing all the sudden. Even though she has been standing and cruising along the furniture for a couple months now, she's recently begun to try standing on her own. My favorite however is how she goes into the dining room and then pushes all the chairs around the room. Or lifts her leg up like this as she takes a step to the side. Quite the exaggeration of movement there, kiddo.

 Two weekends ago, we went back down to LA for the Museum free-for-all and checked out the Tar Pits museum and the LA Museum of Art. The Page museum was pretty rad because all the dinosaur bones on display had been dug up right there in LA. There are actually still tar pits that archeologists are still excavating right next to the museum too that you can go see, it's pretty rad. 

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