January 16, 2015

Devil's Punchbowl

While Travis was still off after Christmas we made the trek out to the Devil's Punchbowl area for a bit of hiking. I didn't get any pictures, but they had this great visitors center with live snakes (ugh), scorpions, and other native animals. The boys thought it was especially cool when the park ranger showed them his rock collection and how a scorpion glows when you shine a black light on them. 
 Once again Benji had us in stitches on this hike. He kept saying things like "I'm a billy goat!" or "I don't to hold your hand, I'll do the bum slide." Which is exactly what it sounds like -- sliding down on your bum on the steep parts. Mostly we just heard him say over and over "I got it. I got it!" like he was a total pro at this already.
Peter is such a little adventurer. Look at that concentration!

Why hello there, handsome.
 Once again, Nora just chilled out in the backpack.

 Don't let our t-shirts fool you, the boys found ice in this little creek and spent ages throwing chuncks of it around. See? It really does get cold in CA!

 These next couple pictures crack me up. Peter and Benji were just hanging out on this little shelf on the way back up and then they noticed the rock climbers behind them and got all excited. They kept calling out encouragements to the climbers. It was pretty funny.

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