August 4, 2014

Switzer Falls

A couple weeks ago I took the kiddos up to Switzer Falls again. It's one of our favorite places to visit up in the Angeles Forest -- mainly because it's the only place around here with shade and running water! With temperatures around 104 degrees that week, I knew we needed to get away from the heat.
I had hoped to let the kids play in the water and not hiking so much but the water was waaay down this year (due to the nice CA drought). So we enjoyed ourselves in the little bits of stream we could find.

Right when we got there, Peter found this little salamander. 
He played with it for a bit and then Benji decided to pick it up and he carried that poor thing around for at least 10 minutes. I don't know how alive he was once I finally convinced Benji to set him free.
 The boys entertained themselves building dams and looking for tadpoles and other animals.

This picture makes my heart happy. They can play so well together -- other times not so much, but this was a good day.
Nora spent her day napping away in the baby carrier.
 After a picnic lunch, we hiked in a little bit and found a part of the stream that someone had dammed up to make a couple of little pools that the kids wanted to play in. Peter decided it would be the perfect place to catch water bugs and they spent a long time doing just that.
 Peter with their 'catch.'

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