November 16, 2012

18 months

Our little man has finally reached a year and a half!
At his 18 month checkup he was 20lbs 11oz (finally!) and about 33 inches tall. He's grown so much in the past few months.
Benji is hilarious. And stubborn. And so snuggly. And giggly. And sometimes even pretty whiny.
We love all the faces of our little man.

He loves eating, books, hats and shoes, going outside, Peter, coloring (especially on his body), and animals of all kinds. 
Still no words ('DA!' or 'tttthhhith' is about all we get so far) or an official first haircut (look at those curls though!) but he is obviously one monkey-crazy kid.
We love you little man.

1 comment:

Amber said...

He looks like a little man! I miss you two and your babies! Love you!