August 11, 2012

Our glorious garden

I just realized that I've never gotten around to sharing pictures of our garden. Frankly, I am amazed anything has come up at all. But it looks like our backyard has been turned into a little oasis out here in the desert as our garden has really started to go crazy lately. 

This is what it looked like back in July. Modest progress.
And our first harvest: zucchini. 
Of course it was zucchini, a four year old could grow zucchini. Which, technically, ours has.
And THIS is what our garden looks like now. Completely grown up. We've got tomatoes coming out our ears, zucchini, pumpkins, onions, spaghetti squash, watermelons, cantaloupe, bell peppers, basil, and potatoes all fruiting. 
Our strawberry plants started out as seedlings and have now taken over both beds. They've started sending out tons of runners and even though we only got a few puny (yet delicious) berries this year, we have high hopes for next summer. 
 I made fresh caprese salad the other night with our abundant supply of tomatoes and basil. Yum-O.
 Did I mention watermelons? We have two huge guys hanging out and two more little 'uns just getting started. I cannot wait for these bad boys to get ripe.
 Our corn. Which is shorty and a little puny, but still edible.
Though I am thinking of saving the stalks and then drying them out for Halloween this year. I think they'd make a cut door decor even if there's no way we'll ever get trick-o-treaters out here.
 It just keeps popping up more and more veggies every day. Although since we did plant on a particularly windy day (who am I kidding, it's ALWAYS windy in spring out here) we keep finding plants popping up in the randomest places. A carrot in the middle of the zucchini, basil among the strawberries, and watermelons sprouting alongside the corn. 
 Peter loves to help me look for things to pick every morning. It's like his very own muddy treasure hunt.
Our cucumbers are particularly going crazy at the moment. We're getting ready to can pickles so we picked a ton, but this was a single nights harvest a few days ago. Though to be fair, I usually get 5-6 cucumbers a day! Ridiculous, no?
There you have it. Our bountiful, fruitful, glorious garden. 
I never realized what a satisfying experience it would be.


Kris said...

I have garden envy. And, I'd like to add that some people (like me) cannot grow zucchini. In fact, every garden I've ever had was pathetic at best.

Angela said...

So jealous! Maybe you should bring some to the beach ;)