March 24, 2012

Sea World!

Yesterday we decided to go on an adventure to Sea World. Trav took the day off so we got up bright and early to make the trek down to San Diego.
Can you just feel the excitement on Peter's face here??
 We checked out many of the animals. I think it was the penguins here. Although I don't think I took many pictures of the actual animals -- just my own crazy kids. And Travis. Although I'm pretty sure he qualifies as crazy too.
Benji did pretty great, considering he really only had one nap yesterday. 
 Of course we had to go see Shamu. Those whales are huge!
Travis tried to catch a wave on the turtle.
 One of Peter's favorite shows (we knew it would be) was the Pets Rule show featuring lots of dogs, cats, pigs, and other random things like a kangaroo! This little guy's fur was so dang soft!
 Pete & I rode the 'teacups' 
 And all his little man dreams came true when he got to meet Elmo and Cookie Monster towards the end of the day. I don't think I've ever seen his grin wider.
Despite being a very full day, we had a blast. The kids did great and we are ready to go back (especially since our tickets turned out to be a season passes for the same price. Score!). Give us a jingle if you're going and we'll meet you there. We'll meet you next to Shamu.


Lisa Lee said...

It's great to see how much fun everyone had,and then to get season passes. Yeah for you!

Lisa Lee said...
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Brittany McClure said...

How fun! We love Sea World. Peter looks like he had a blast!