March 30, 2012

Rocks & Nests

We have been spending every spare minute outside lately enjoying the beautiful sunshine.

While I tackle the endless supply of weeds that need to be pulled, Peter plays on his 'pirate ship' (his playhouse) and Benji likes to play in the rock garden. Well, to be honest both boys like to play in the rocks but Benji gets a huge amount of pleasure from crawling around out there. I love watching him scoot around.
We also noticed that a bird had made a nest in the middle of our rock garden. Which I thought was hilarious (stupid bird) until Travis informed me that it was a Killdeer and they always nest in the ground. 
Oh well, my bad.
Still, stupid bird. Don't you know we have snakes?!?
At first there was only one egg (which are hard to spot since they are pretty camouflaged) but now she's got four little spotted eggs she sits over night and day. 
Peter especially enjoys torturing her by getting as close to her nest as he possibly can causing momma bird to caw and ruffle her feathers most impressively. 
Every day we have to go outside to make sure she's still out there holding vigil. 
Spring is upon us!

1 comment:

Lisa Lee said...

Maybe you should call that Benji's "butt scootin boogie"?