January 31, 2012

4 Big Ones

Last Wednesday Peter turned a whopping 4 years old. 
Where have the years gone?! They fly, I tell ya.

Sadly, Travis had to be out of town the week of Peter's birthday so I tried to make it extra special for him.
This is what his door looked like when he woke up Wednesday morning.
Only he refused to run through the streamers like a normal kid so they remained taped up on his door until I whacked my arm on his doorknob while bending over to get into his room. 
I still have a humongous bruise on my arm from it.

Peter asked for more Legos and a 'motorcycle that I can ride.' So we got him a motocycle Lego set. 
 The cake -- guess who helped me add the sprinkles?
Travis got home Friday and so we all went as a family to Chuck E. Cheese. All three of my boys were in heaven. Peter probably would have spent all of his tokens on this train 'game' while Benji ate his body weight in pizza crust.

Whereas Travis simply reverted to a child-like state of glee and overstimulation due to all the flashing lights and sugary soda.

Happy Birthday Peter!!


Chachic said...

Happy Birthday, Peter! :) I love that his cake has so many sprinkles on it. Is that a chocolate cake? Because sprinkles + chocolate is always a good thing.

Lisa Lee said...

From one Gramma and the Auntie B we thank you for all the new pictures and video!

Katie said...

Happy Birthday Peter! I love the picture of Travis on the horse. I'm glad to see Travis hasn't aged even if Peter has. :)

Angela said...

Oh my gosh! I can't believe he's so old! Happy birthday to Petey, and love the pic of Trav on the horse. Priceless.