August 21, 2011

Let's just pack it all into one weekend

So with the new baby and all, we Millet's haven't really gotten out much this summer. But this past weekend we seemed to make up for this by planning a crazy whirlwind weekend which included going camping and the beach. Friday night we joined Travis' co-workers up Tehachapi Mountain and then drove down Saturday afternoon to meet our Utah friend Amber at Venice beach. Sunday we collapsed.

I was a bit nervous to take my baby who seldom sleeps for more than 2.5 hour stretches at night but I figured no one really sleeps while camping anyways so why not! 

Peter however was beyond thrilled to go camping. He'd been talking about it all week.

Here's Peter and Saida (a co-workers daughter) playing us some music while we had breakfast.

The happy family. A little sleep-deprived, but happy.
And no, that isn't our tent - we've outgrown our two-man tent - we've upgraded to a 6-person monstrosity which was awesome.

Peter has been begging us all summer to go to the beach. I really haven't wanted to deal with a newborn + sand + sun but some friends loaned us their umbrella so that made this trip easier. Peter had a ball though. He loved digging in the sand and going in the water with Daddy. He even got a nice mouthful of saltwater which he discovered doesn't taste quite the same as pool-water.

Surprisingly, Benji did really good too. Mostly he hung out on the blanket, in the shade, just giggling away. It was a wonderful weekend, but man, are we ever glad to be home (and for Sunday naps).

1 comment:

Angela said...

Um that picture of Peter is priceless! The Ewell's are sad we missed out on the beach excursion this year. We've decided we should do a fall get-together in St. George as a consolation prize. Whadaya say?