July 17, 2010

Beach Day!

So this is sorta late, but over the 4th of July weekend, we went down to Zuma Beach in Mailbu with our friends the Martins to have a beach day. We had such a blast and Becca's sister took about 300 pictures - which are all amazing - and I wanted to share a few here.
aww... The Happy Family

The peaceful citizens of Sandopolis had no idea there world was about to come crashing down until Godzilla Peter made his devastating move.

Mostly Peter just ran around the beach, playing in the sand with his bff Lauryn (which he pronounces "Lo-R-wren"). The water was a bit cold and after Trav tried to take him in, he decided enough with that and stuck to the sand for the rest of the day. Which he loved. Of course. 

I did love watching him run around saying "I so excited Mama!"

 These two have so much fun together.

After we all had gotten sand stuck basically EVERYWHERE, the kids had tried to eat the bubbles (numerous times), and the tide started to come in harder, we decided to call it a day and go with the Martin's to their Grandparent's pool about 30 min away.

Petey likes swimming in pools, but usually only the ones where he can touch. So you could say I was very surprised when we put him in this floaty thing and he immediately took off, swimming all over the big pool. 
My little man is growing up!
One more of the cheesers.


Katie said...

Those pictures are beautiful. I love the top one of the fam. I can't believe how old he is getting. I wish we were meeting up with you guys this weekend, it has been way too long. Have a blast for us.

Lisa Lee said...

What a great photographer (and great subject matter!) My favorite is the running. The boy has great track form. Thanks for posting them.