May 26, 2010

Catching up

Whew!! Busy, busy. That is what the Millets have been lately. I haven't posted for sometime, so I thought I post some highlights of our last month or so..

Back in April, we traveled back to 'ole Provo for Trav's Masters graduation. I can't tell you how proud of that man I am. And happy to be done. Very happy. It was a really quick trip but we got to see most of Trav's and my family so that was wonderful.
After we got back, we decided that boonieville North Edwards was the place for us no longer and so picked up and moved down to the city (Lancaster). We Loooove our new house. It's mucho nicer than our previous one. It's about an hour away from where we were, but on the other side of the base and only 5 minutes from a grocery store. Much better. We miss all our old No. Edwards buddies, but since we're still in the same stake - we see them pretty often.

Trav celebrated his 28th Birthday!! Happy Birthday baby! We had some of his co-workers over for a 'surprise' party (meaning Trav didn't tell them it was his birthday until they got to our house. Surprise!) and enjoyed some good food.
Later Trav celebrated his manhood by chopping off the head of one of our roosters which crowed so much I thought I'd go out and strangle it myself. And just like they tell you, the dang thing jumped and flapped around for a good couple of minutes before giving up. I've even got a video if you are interested. And yes, we roasted him up for dinner. He was a little skinny, but very tasty. Just go ahead and call me pioneer woman.
My mom also came out for a visit and while here we visited the Poppy Reserve. The poppies only bloom once a year and it's quite beautiful. Petey had a grand time chasing the lizards and 'meetles' (beetles) and sniffing the pretty flowers.
This past weekend, we went hiking in Santa Clarita with Trav's co-workers again and had a great time. See that rock outcropping behind us? Yep, we climbed that. It was about 6 miles all total, but Petey was a champ and did great. We even found a hummingbirds nest with eggs the size of jellybeans along the way.
And then (of course) after a great day, we got into a pretty bad car wreck on the way home. I was driving during stop and go traffic and this idiot slammed into a woman behind us at like 50 mph (everyone else was dead stopped) and she in turn, hit us. It could have been much worse, no one was hurt, but the other two cars were totaled and ours isn't in the best shape either. We drove home okay, but yesterday it refused to start again so now we are just waiting for the insurance to go through so we can get it fixed. Sheesh. California drivers really are the worst!


Cherie said...

Yikes! I hope you're okay! Insurance should cover a new carseat for Petey too (SCORE!).

Angela said...

So glad you're all okay! What a pain, though. Glad to hear about all the other good things too, and what an adorable hummingbird nest!

gardeniagirl said...

Good to see you too! Sorry about the car wreck. We had one this year too. So I still want to see that video of the rooster . . .

Eliason 5 said...

I'm so glad no one is hurt! It sounds like you have had quite the last month or so. Congrats to Travis for graduating and his birthday!

Katie said...

I am so jealous of your new home! And you guys look so cute in that graduation picture. I'm glad you guys are all okay.

Austin said...

I got slammed in Utah doing the same thing. I was coming to a stop, I looked in my review mirror and saw a SuperCharged F-250 with the driver checking his shoulder to see that he could merge. It totaled my car. I am glad everyone is OK.