August 9, 2007

Onion Baby

As many of you may already know, Travis and I are expecting our very own little rugrat come January 18th and we couldn't be more excited! I love looking at all the weekly pregnancy calenders online and for this week (I'm 17 weeks along) it said our little one is about the size of a large onion! What a great visual.
So, this is something weird I've noticed: why is it that they always use food analogies for pregnant women: babies the size of onions, shrimp, rice, etc? I think it's just a conspiracy to get us to have weird cravings.


Trisha said...

Congrats on the onion!!! It is news to me and I'm so excited for you!

Cherie said...

It is true...they are all compared to food...good for the nausea in all of us. Did Keith tell Travis that we are expecting too? Our due date is March 3rd! I'm so happy for you guys- You'll be an awesome mom!