March 25, 2018

Nora turns 4

My sweet little chicken Nora. Oh dear, does she ever keep us on our toes.
She loves make up :)
 She loves to dance.

 I made an apple pie since her birthday on Pi Day, but we also brought cupcakes to preschool and she was so incredibly excited.

 They are quite the crew and I love all the friends she's made this year.

 She's got so much spunk and we love her to pieces.
The day after her birthday, we drove up to Lake Tahoe with some of Travis' co-workers for a snow weekend.
Due to a massive snowstorm that hit the day before, our drive went from 4 hours to almost 7! But it was totally worth it to spend the weekend in this:

 We got Nora a big My Little Pony cake to celebrate with the Kittyhawk friends and she loved it.We spent one afternoon at a sledding park called Adventure Park and had a great time there.
The kids loved all the snow and going down the runs.

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