September 11, 2017

Life and Times of Nora

With the boys back in school, Nora and I have been having some fun together.

Travis changed out all the locks on the house and Nora spent at least a week tinkering with the old ones. Every time I'd try to throw out the old ones she'd say, "No! I still working on them!"
Apparently we have another engineer in the making.

We've spent quite a bit of time at Apollo Park riding bikes while I ran.  

Finally. Finally I got Nora signed up for a dance class. After months of begging and asking me, I signed her up for a ballet & tap combo class. Every Monday, from the time she wakes up she asks me when it's time to go to dance class. She practically lives in her leotards and tutus and it's adorable. 
She also begs me to let her watch classical ballet on YouTube and will sit enthralled watching 'they toes!'

I have to say, this is my favorite stage.

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